Plan your plans

Plan your plans

  • What is success? what is the definition of success?
  • what is the difference between achievement and success?
    • an achievement is a one-time event 
    • and success is nothing but progress
    • if in some war you did this and you are after 10 years just repeating the same I had done that and that then it's not right 
    • but if you want to achieve something it is good you must achieve something 
    • but success is all about progress 
  • success or progress
    • If some person is stupid and we motivate him now he became a motivated stupid 
    • motivation without education is dangerous
    • success is not a one-time event success is regular 
    • if you want to reach from A to B then it's an achievement but if you continue to move forward after an achievement then it is a journey and this journey is nothing but success.

  •  your battery
    • Mobile battery == > will power
    • find out where energy is going 
    • whole complete day to charge up 
    • death bed this reamaingg 
    • satisfy
  • Plan your 30 days in advance 

  • Clarity vs Vague
    • what and when should be clear 
    • train example correct train 
    • Just do it, no matter whether you like it or  not 
    • Like your result not the prosses 


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