Habit the game changer

Habit the game changer

  1. It's a game of 40 days
    • It takes exactly 40 days to make a habit as a habit !!
    • tell me one thing👇
    • what you exactly want? 
    • where do you see yourself?
    • I am asking this because you must know what exactly you want
  2. How to change a bad habit?
    • if you want to change bad habits then accept good habits it's simple as that 😇
  3. you are not a tree 
    • See you are not a tree 
    • trees are rooted 
    • you are not rooted 
    • if some situation comes then trees can't move and they started to die but we are the human if some situation comes then we can change our location 
  4. you can do it 
    • You can be anything 
    • It's all up to you and your habits
    • if you are successful then see your habits and if you are unsuccessful then also see your habits
    • It's all about habits 
    • so change your habit so that you can achieve what you want to achieve
    • for that, you have to come out of your comfort zone and start building new habits.
    • Let's do it together from today itself.
    • just start, adopt one good habit that your inner voice is saying 
    • go in a thought experiment and listen to you inner voice and do what it says 
    • see no human is bad, but the thing is that we can't hear our inner voice and do bad things 
    • because every human knows what is right and what is wrong 
    • so you have to just listen to your inner voice
    • YOU CAN DO IT 😎

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