Jam Sessions

Jam Sessions

  • 90 mins of  productive 
    • In a research, it is observed that all the CEO of  top 5 companeys stay in the office for 7 to 8 hours but the productive hour that makes the company grow is only 90 mins
    • Hence in that 90 min, they are most productive 
  • one most important project :
    • if you want to be that productive then simply take one important project then 
  • schedule the jam sessions:
    • write down the time when you want to do this jam session
  • have a stopwatch :
    • take your mobile and put it on airplane mode so that no other  notification will distract you and at the same time you can monitor your time using a stopwatch
  • be unavailable in a bubble 
    • now you have to sit for at least 30 min in the jam session 
    • jam session is of minimum of 30 min and maximum is up to you how long you can 
    • by doing this you see the tremendous change you have completed that work in just a 15 to 30 min of time interval which takes you 1 to 2 hr to complete 
    • this is the power of a jam session 
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