How to Wake up early

How to Wake up early

 5 Morning Rituals 

  • How to feel fresh when weak up 
    • Most the peoples sleep for 10 to 11 hours a day but still when they woke up  they do not feel energetic they feel lazy
  • Golden time period 
    • Maximum people weak after 8 in the morning but the golden period is from 5 to 8 in the morning.
    • These are the three magical hours.
    • If you wake up at 7 then you are beating 90% of the people with 1 hour. 
    • Similarly, if you wake up at 6 in the morning then you are beating a maximum number of people by 2 hours. 
    • and goes for 5, if you wake up at 5 in the morning then you are beating a maximum number of people by 3 hours.
    • And at the end of the year, if you wake up at 7 on a daily bases you have extra 365 hours more than any other people who wake up after 8 in the morning.
  • Do's
    • Prepare for sleep:
      • Before going to bed put your mobile phone at least 6 feet away from the bed 
      • Also after deciding your bedtime and total sleep you need as per your body go to sleep before 15 min 
    • Read positive :
      • Before going to bed Read something positive
        • that means  not a novel 
        • you can read Personal mastery books or else you can read the autobiography 
    • sleep on time :
      • find out the time you daily need to sleep 
      • then decide the time to wake up tomorrow and then sleep that many hours before so that you feel energetic when you weak up
    • think and write positive:
      • when you are going to bed think what are the positive  things you have done 
    • Jump out of bed :
      • when you wake up just jump out of the bed  and go to the washroom and wash your face with cold water so that your body is alert after waking up 
    • Exercise :
      • you must exercise for at least 20 min after waking up and then you can take a cold bath or luck warm water bath
    • Meditate : 
      • After completing all these activities you have to meditate. Because meditation can relax your body to such an extent and feel you with lots of energy 
      • we can discuss it in the next blog "How to meditate ."

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