How to Solve Git Conflict Errors: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Solve Git Conflict Errors: Step-by-Step Guide

Are you encountering those pesky Git conflict errors while collaborating on a project? Don't worry, we've got your back! In this user-friendly guide, we'll walk you through each step to tackle Git conflict errors effectively. Even if you're new to coding or Git, you'll be able to breeze through this guide and resolve conflicts like a pro. Let's dive in and conquer those conflicts!

1. Understanding Git Conflict Errors

Picture this: You and your team are working on the same code, making different changes. When it's time to merge these changes, Git can't figure out which changes to keep. That's when you see a "conflict error."

2. Resolving Conflicts with git pull

Follow these clear steps to resolve conflicts using git pull:

  1. Update Code: Start with git pull to fetch the latest changes from your team.
  2. Check Conflicts: If conflicts arise, Git will flag the problematic files.
  3. Open Files: Open these files in your code editor.
  4. Identify Conflicts: Look for lines marked "<<<<<<<" and ">>>>>>>" – these indicate conflicts.
  5. Resolve Conflicts: Decide which changes to keep, and edit the code accordingly.
  6. Save Changes: Save the file after resolving conflicts.
  7. Stage Changes: Use git add to stage the resolved conflicts.
  8. Commit Changes: Commit your changes with git commit.
  9. Continue Work: You're all set to continue working on your project.

3. Switching Branches? Use git checkout

Switching branches with uncommitted changes? Follow these steps:

  1. Save Changes: Commit your changes first.
  2. Stash Changes: Hide uncommitted changes using git stash.
  3. Change Branch: Switch branches with git checkout.
  4. Apply Changes: Use git stash apply to reapply hidden changes.
  5. Resolve Conflicts: If conflicts occur, follow the same steps as before.
  6. Commit Changes: Commit your resolved changes.

4. Fetching Updates with git pull origin

When you're collaborating, use these steps to fetch updates:

  1. Get Updates: Execute git pull origin followed by the branch name.
  2. Check Conflicts: Git will notify you of conflicts, if any.
  3. Resolve Conflicts: Use the steps we discussed earlier to resolve them.
  4. Save Changes: Save your resolved code.
  5. Push Changes: Share your code using git push.

5. Pushing Changes? Update with git push

Before pushing changes, ensure your local code is up-to-date:

  1. Resolve Conflicts: Address any existing conflicts first.
  2. Fetch Updates: Use git pull to get new changes from your team.
  3. Re-resolve Conflicts: If new conflicts arise, resolve them.
  4. Share Your Code: Finally, push your changes using git push.

6. The Bottom Line

Git conflict errors might seem daunting, but with these straightforward steps and commands, you've got the tools to conquer them. Think of conflicts as puzzles – by following this guide, you'll piece them together smoothly. Remember, practice makes perfect, and soon you'll navigate conflict errors like a coding champ. Happy coding and happy conflict-solving!


In the world of coding, collaboration is key, and Git makes it possible. Embrace these conflict-resolution techniques to ensure a smooth and harmonious coding experience with your team. With this guide in your toolkit, you're ready to tackle Git conflict errors head-on and emerge victorious. Stay confident, keep coding, and keep collaborating!
